Wednesday 20 January 2021

The school age sissy

Something I do care a lot about are children, specifically those assigned as boys at birth who find everything connected around gender doesn't actually feel anything like them not least because I was one.

In my day the dividing line between acceptable boys behaviour, mannerisms, dress and interests and that of girls was heavily policed both by boys and girls in the playground, organizations, and adults such as parents, teachers and medical professionals.

Parents would berate, remove items deemed unsuitable, physically punish, teachers tended to ridicule you in front of your peers and some medical professions co-operated with enforced gender norm programs making some of us who were more gender questioning wear boys items, removing anything girls had least we become "sissies"

Equally girls could find themselves forced to wear dresses against their wishes, prevented rom doing things like climb trees.

The thing really was deep down, we are what we are having our own sense of gender identity, how we see our own gender roles and how we feel best gender presenting.

I feel "boys" who don't wish to wear traditional boys school uniform should have the option to wear girls and equally any "girl" should have the option to wear that of boys so long as you're fairly consistent over it and where possible able to share in games and PT with those you feel more comfortable with in non competitive settings.

That was all this sissy wanted in school and in scouting.

Not to change the "culture" of any group nor to usurp the majority groups own identity but to able to join in as I am.

Tammy always existed but was discriminated against, humiliated  and denied what was right for hur and in 2021 stands up for children today facing similar situations.

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