Monday 20 December 2021

Fresh starts

I have decided that there will be some changes around presenting coming in from the new year having spot some time looking at my wardrobe as it has been a good while since I first started exploring what being a adult little gurl for me involved.

Covid apart from what it did when came to mixing with people, visiting places and critically spending time with friends who do accept it even some don't "get it" affected that whole wardrobe maintenance side as with few places to go you don't look out, try on and evaluate your stuff.

It's hardly that I haven't dressed more down a traditional feminine route but the nature of some things like pinafore dresses were things I wore more with friends while away with them rather than in the house where I tended to wear skirts with tops if not short trousers.

Trying some things on showed even before covid a number of items only borderline fitted looking at pictures and really I want to wear things that do fit, make me feel pretty and smart from the inside out.

I want to look good as a sissy gurl.

Thus I have decide to prune the dresses down only to those whose fitting really flatters me and as they tend to be worn when away I honestly don't need several and if I need another to get one made and tailored to fit me exactly.

I am better served by tops, jumpers and sweatshirts whose sizes will fit me perfectly and matched to skirts that can also be easily got for a much smarter image.

Similarly some of the older socks can just go which are starting to show bobbling and as it was I actually found several new unopened pairs bought for going away in the summer of 2020 which of course never happened.

I can always look into things like white tights for a more sophisticated look if I wish but the point is going forward it's all for and about me being the best looking sissy gurl I can on my terms.

Anything that comes between that really is no longer needed to be around in this life.

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